Saturday, January 14, 2012

Redditor words to live by

The real trick is learning to push yourself. My guess is you could slide by in school, and your parents didn't push you, so now is when you've got to push yourself.
First, take out a piece of paper. No seriously stop reading and get a piece of paper. It's a fucking piece of paper, trust me on this get one out.
Got one, great. Split it in three. I don't care how.
Write "What I want to do" in one section.
Write "What I can do well" in another.
Write "What I enjoy doing" in a third.
Got that?
What I want to do Leave this alone for now
What I can do well these are things you did well in school, at church, at home. I don't care if it is "Beat level 32 on Mario Bros", write down whatever you can do well. Keep going. Once you think you are done, think of five more things.
What I enjoy doing again, I don't care if it is "Masturbate in the corner while quietly weeping" write what you love to do down. After you've written everything down, write fiver more things. Remember we're learning how to push ourselves here.
ok, now go through and circle, match up, draw a line between (or whatever) things that you do well, that match with things that enjoy doing. If you have nothing, you didn't really try. Start over with a new piece of paper (i.e. If I enjoy watching porn, and I'm good at masturbating, that's something I'd tie together... so you should have SOMETHING that matches)
Ok, now start looking for jobs where what you ENJOY doing matches something you are GOOD at. Not jobs you could get right now... no you're making a list of DREAM jobs.
Got that. Things that would be awesome.
Put the list of potential jobs under What I want to do
Now prioritize them: 1. Hugh Heffner 2. IBM Engineer 3. Playboy bunny (Sex change required) 4. Muppeteer etc.
I don't care how outlandish they are, just do it.
Then research how someone actually got to do that kind of job. What college classes did they take? What did they do as hobbies?
If what they did makes you feel alive inside, like really an energy, start planning your path. You'll know not just "I'll take engineering courses" but you'll take Bridge building 302, and know what you want out of the course. Everything they say will have 1000 times more meaning.
If it doesn't make you feel alive inside, then pick the next priority and read about someone who did that. Eventually you'll find courses and small jobs that lead you to your chosen career, and you'll enjoy not only that end dream job, but the journey that go you there.
What's more, people will see you as "Driven". It'll make you more attractive to women, and your parents won't be able to nag that tithing or other church things are making you miserable.
This is the great secret they suppress in school. This is what is taught in thousand dollar job seminars. And you just got it for free.

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